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By car

From A1 Southbound

Leaving the A1 at Junction 65, (the bowes incline Hotel turn off) follow this round until the roundabout. Taking the second exit, proceed straight ahead along the B1288. Until the next major left hand Junction marked Springwell (at this point the ‘BOWES RAILWAY’ brown signs commence).

A1 Northbound

Leaving the A1 motorway at Junction 65 and proceeding north bound along the A194 (M) the first junction is sign posted to Springwell. Once off the motorway at this junction take the first exit from the roundabout, it is at this point the ‘BOWES RAILWAY’ brown signs commence follow these signs through Springwell to the site entrance.

For Sat Nav users

For any visitors using a sat nav the postcode of the Springwell site is: NE9 7QJ

By public transport

The nearest railway stations are Newcastle (6 miles) and Durham (13 miles) stations on the east coast mainline at which East Coast train services call. The Number 56 bus provided by GoNorthEast operates from Newcastle to Sunderland calling at a bus stop at the Springwell site gates. The bus operates every 20 minutes on Sundays and Bank holidays with a 10 minute service on Saturdays. (it takes around 30 minutes from Newcastle to Springwell).
